These Behavioral Guidelines list particular standards of behavior that comply with the Code of Conduct. Our employees’ daily activities should be consistent with these Behavioral Guidelines. Namicos is to comply with all applicable laws and internal regulations and conduct its business activity in a manner respecting social standards.
(1) Compliance
1. Respect for the law
Namicos personnel, including the board, management and employees, are expected to comply with all applicable laws, particularly civil, commercial, competition, labor and consumer protection law.
2. Compliance Committee
The purpose of our Compliance Committee is to develop a system that can, in the unlikely event of inappropriate conduct occurring, detect such conduct and take all appropriate steps at a very early stage. The Compliance Committee includes corporate advisors as well as employee representatives to ensure we have the benefit of a broad range of views. Committee meetings are held on a regular basis with a particular theme selected for each meeting. By holding regular meetings, we hope to improve the awareness of all executives and employees in respect of compliance.
The Compliance Committee includes:
(2) Employee Satisfaction
1. Operations
With frequent communication and collaboration between departments, we aim to act as a single, coordinated organization.
2. Corporate culture
All employees understand the company president’s policy and objectives for the organization, and carry out their work accordingly.
3. Open-minded working atmosphere
Managers carefully listen to their employees’ concerns and, in response to these concerns, they try to continually improve the work environment.
4. Respecting work-related laws
We expect managers to adhere to all applicable labor laws and always care for the health and wellbeing of the employees in their care. Managers are not to force employees to over work or work late but, instead, are to maintain a healthy work environment.
5. Respecting human rights
We consider respect for fundamental human rights a very important matter and no Namicos personnel should infringe the rights of any other person (for example, by discrimination or bullying).
6. Sexual harassment
No person is to make sexually inappropriate remarks or actions that would make another person feel uncomfortable.
7. Abuse of authority
No person is to disrespect another’s personal dignity by forcing them to do anything beyond the boundaries of their job description.
8. Internal report system
In order to facilitate an open and responsive working environment, we have created an internal reporting system that allows Namicos employees to voice their concerns directly to the company president.
9. Help line
We have a help line for employees to use in situations where they cannot otherwise ask for help or when inappropriate conduct or unethical behavior has occurred.
10. Protecting private information
Any personal information that comes to our attention in the course of business will be handled for business purpose only, and Namicos endeavors to prevent unauthorized disclosures of any such information.
11. Safety and health
In accordance with occupational health and safety law and in order to prevent workplace-related accidents, we work diligently to protect safety and health at work.
(3) Customer Satisfaction
1. Customers’ concerns
We endeavor to understand the customers’ needs accurately and operate our business accordingly.
2. Product quality
We strive to meet our customer’s requirements on quality by operating our strict quality management system.
3. Safety of the products
We fully appreciate the product safety standards imposed by law and we then do our utmost to exceed these levels of safety.
4. Correct information
We seek to provide our customers with correct information so that they will feel secure and at ease.
5. Processing of claims
We always respectfully receive the opinions of our customers and try to process all claims swiftly and in a fair manner.
(4) Risk Management
1. Emergency Action Plan and Business Continuity Planning
The basic principles are set out below and aim to maintain the steady delivery of products to customers, even in the case of natural disasters or large-scale accidents such as earthquakes, floods and so on.
[Basic emergency principles]
We have determined the following 3 points in accordance with the principle of self-responsibility.
(5) Corporate Citizenship
1. Social Contribution
In order to develop a strong sense of mutual trust between Namicos and our local community, we place great value on communication with our community and contributing to its social activities.
(6) Employee Education
1. Education Policy
We want all employees to understand the Code of Conduct fully and to maintain the cooperative relationship which has enabled our corporate development. This relationship is not simply between the employee and the company but between our customers, shareholders, employees and the community at large. We hope that, by doing this, Namicos will ensure its progress to an ever more prosperous future.