Originally introduced to the Japanese pharmaceutical industry by Namicos, the Duma Twist-off has long been the plastic bottle preferred for Japanese clinical trials. It is known for its unique “twist-off tightness” system and superior moisture vapor barrier performance.
Specifically designed for the North American market, the Triveni Round is a US-type induction sealed bottle.
We maintain stocks of these products and can ship anywhere within Japan within 24 hours. Products can also be shipped directly from the Gerresheimer Centor in Berlin, Ohio USA upon request.
Minimizing global supply chain vulnerabilities
Helping meet production deadlines
Namicos offers a variety of packaging-related products and services to reduce costs and accelerate speed-to-market for our clients.
See all our products & servicesSince its foundation in 1942, Namicos has played a major role in the pharmaceutical industry through the supply and manufacture of containers.
Based on our knowledge, technology and experiences, we have built a global network of suppliers and distributors who, together, help our clients meet their needs for quality and safety.